Are you looking to make your commercial property more environmentally friendly? If so, you may want to start at the very top of your property by choosing to utilize one of the many eco-friendly commercial roofing options the market now has to offer. You can learn more about a few of the available options below.
Option #1: Rubber Roofing
Rubber roofing, also commonly referred to as EPDM roofing, is one of the most beneficial styles of commercial roofing currently available. What makes rubber roofing so beneficial is that it combines a budget-friendly material with a variety of environmentally friendly features. For instance, rubber roofs typically utilize a large percentage of recycled materials. Furthermore, these commercial roofing materials can be recycled yet again when the time comes to replace your roof. The impressive insulation provided by rubber roofing materials can also help to make your commercial property more energy efficient which will further reduce your company's carbon footprint. The minimal amount of maintenance required by this style of roofing can also prove very beneficial for many property owners.
Option #2: Green Roofing
Green roofing is a very unique style of commercial roofing. This is because green roofs combine traditional roofing materials with a layer of live plants. Adding the second layer to your commercial roof helps to promote cleaner air, reduce pollution, reduce the temperature around your property, and protect your roofing materials from damage. In addition to benefiting you as a property owner, a green roof also benefits the environment by improving air quality and providing local wildlife with a sustainable food source. As an added benefit, choosing to install a green roof can really improve the look of your commercial property and help your building to stand out against other buildings in the area.
Option #3: Solar Roofing
If you prefer to stick to more traditional roofing materials such as tar and gravel, you can still take steps to reduce your carbon footprint through the use of solar panels on your roof. While solar roofing will not eliminate the need for a base roofing material, the installation of solar panels can help both the environment and your bottom line. This is because solar roofing allows you to create a large portion of the energy your commercial property consumes by harnessing the power of the sun. Using this clean, renewable energy helps to reduce the pollution created by the production of more traditional energy sources. The use of solar power also helps to keep your monthly energy bills to a minimum.
For more information, contact a company such as Top's Roofing Co Ltd.