How Can You Protect Your Commercial Roof From Storms? 4 Tips

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Shingle Me This: A Roof Blog Roofers have a tough job. They work at heights, carrying heavy shingles and nailing them to the roof's surface. In addition to working hard, roofers are also very knowledgeable. They can recommend the best roofing material to fit your budget and preferences, and they can make repairs, as needed, to ensure your roof continues to keep your home safe. There's a lot to learn about roofing. We are not professionals, but we consider ourselves to be well-informed, and we share the information we know on this website. As you read, you will learn more about roofing as a profession, and you may also pick up some roofing tips you can use on your own home.



The roof is the most important structure on a commercial building and warrants protection. If you are anticipating adverse weather events such as storms, you must take steps to safeguard it from damage. Otherwise, you will be forced to dig deeper into your pocket to fix the damages. That said, what are some of the steps you should implement to protect the roof? Read more below about some tips you should implement to protect it from any adverse weather elements.

Inspection of Gutters and Drains

The drains should be in perfect working condition before a storm. The rainwater will not flow down the drain if it is blocked or not working properly. There will be pools of water on the rooftop, and it can sag because it may not be able to support the extra weight. You should hire a reputable contractor to check the gutters and drains occasionally. They can identify any issues and fix them.

Regular Inspection of the Rooftop

You should inspect the roof for any damage, especially before an adverse weather event. During this inspection, you can identify any roofing issues in their infancy and repair them before they develop into severe issues. It is imperative that you integrate inspections into the roof maintenance plan. This can mean the difference between small repairs and costly roof replacements.

Removal of Debris

You should never allow debris to accumulate on the rooftop. When washed down, these materials can create issues in the drain. The clogs present in the gutters will cause water to spill over and drain in the wrong places. If the debris piling up on the rooftop comes from the surrounding trees, you should trim or cut down the overhanging branches. It is recommended that you hire a roofing contractor to check the roof's condition and remove debris.

Inspection of Shingles

Before the storm, you should inspect the rooftop to ensure there are no shingle issues if this is the material you use for your commercial roof. You should replace any that are missing or those which appear curled and cracked. If you observe that they are discolored, this is a sign of aging, and the roof should be replaced with a new one. You should never attempt to replace them without professional help because it can cause severe problems down the road.

If you apply these tips to your commercial roof, it will be strong enough to withstand harsh weather conditions. You should hire an experienced roofing contractor to inspect the roof and make sure everything is in order.

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