Protect Your Home Against Global Warming — 4 Things To Consider For Your Roofing

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Shingle Me This: A Roof Blog Roofers have a tough job. They work at heights, carrying heavy shingles and nailing them to the roof's surface. In addition to working hard, roofers are also very knowledgeable. They can recommend the best roofing material to fit your budget and preferences, and they can make repairs, as needed, to ensure your roof continues to keep your home safe. There's a lot to learn about roofing. We are not professionals, but we consider ourselves to be well-informed, and we share the information we know on this website. As you read, you will learn more about roofing as a profession, and you may also pick up some roofing tips you can use on your own home.



Global warming is something that many people are becoming increasingly concerned about. While it may seem as if there is little that one person can do to help reduce global warming, there is something homeowners can do to protect their homes and keep their family members as safe and comfortable as possible for years to come — replace the roofing of their home with materials that are more conducive to providing protection from the adverse effects of global warming. Here are 4 things to look for when replacing your home's roofing. 

High Fire Rating

The risk of wildfires has increased due to global warming. The roofing of your home is likely the most vulnerable to catch on fire, whether from a wildfire or the fire of a neighboring home. Embers can get carried by the wind and land directly on the roofing of your home, which can then ignite your roof, especially if the roofing material doesn't have a high fire rating.

Your new roof covering should at the very least meet the local housing authority's building codes. However, to ensure that your home will be protected in case of a nearby fire, speak with a roofing contractor for their recommendation on which level of fire rating would be best for your home based on the neighboring area. 

Select the Color

You should also consider the color of the roofing material to help protect your home and its occupants from global warming. Choose white or a light color to reflect sunlight if you live in an area that already has high heat and humidity. This can help reduce the costs of cooling your home during the harsh summer months, which, in turn, will help reduce the wear and tear on your home's heating and air conditioning systems and make them last longer. 

Another term for this type of roof is a cool roof. A cool roof can be achieved by either replacing the shingles or other roof covering with a white or lighter color than what you currently have or hiring a roofing contractor to paint the roofing with paint specifically designed for cool roofs. 

Stronger Roof Deck

According to the Environmental Defense Fund, more snowfall is expected due to climate change. Global warming causes more water to be evaporated from the planet into the atmosphere. This extra moisture in the atmosphere will cause more rain and snowfall than before. Therefore, it's a good idea to consider bolstering your roof's supporting structures as well as install a stronger roof deck, particularly if you live in an area that already sees an abundant amount of snow. 

Additionally, installing a stronger roof deck now will give you the ability to put more weight on top of your roof, such as if you were to consider installing solar panels now or at some point in the future, which is another way to help fight global warming. 

Waterproofing & Ice Shield

Since scientists are expecting more rainfall in the future due to global warming, it's important that your roofing contractor also installs a new waterproofing underlayment to protect against water infiltration and leaks. Select one that provides the most protection for waterproofing so your new roofing can help keep your home dry even during torrential downpours. 

An ice and water shield should also be installed to protect against ice dam formations where the roofing meets the rain gutters. Depending on the condition of your gutter system, you may want to have those replaced as well to help protect your roof against ice dam formation. At the very least, your roofing contractor can inspect the rain gutters during the process of removing the old roofing materials. 

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