Is Your Home Ready For New Siding? Tips For Selecting The Best Material

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Shingle Me This: A Roof Blog Roofers have a tough job. They work at heights, carrying heavy shingles and nailing them to the roof's surface. In addition to working hard, roofers are also very knowledgeable. They can recommend the best roofing material to fit your budget and preferences, and they can make repairs, as needed, to ensure your roof continues to keep your home safe. There's a lot to learn about roofing. We are not professionals, but we consider ourselves to be well-informed, and we share the information we know on this website. As you read, you will learn more about roofing as a profession, and you may also pick up some roofing tips you can use on your own home.



Your home's first duty is to provide your family with comfortable, secure shelter. Aside from that, your home may also be your family's largest financial investment. This is why periodic updates are important to both protect the structure of the home and to help maintain or improve the home's real estate market value, in case you should ever decide to sell. 

Adding new siding is one of the most visible periodic updates a homeowner can make. It must be noted, however, that not all types of siding materials offer the same benefits. If you are planning ahead to install new siding on your home, considering the questions below can offer you some helpful insight in deciding what type of siding might work best for your needs. 

What are your goals for the new siding? 

Getting the most value and enjoyment from any home improvement project should begin with making sure that it will meet or exceed the goals you have for investing the time and money it will require. In regard to siding, some of the potential goals new siding might offer include the following: 

  • cosmetic improvements
  • creating a more energy-efficient home
  • eliminating or reducing the amount of home maintenance chores
  • adding more resistance to wildfire or other calamities

Homeowners who are only seeking cosmetic improvements may expect to have a wider choice of materials than those seeking more highly defined benefits. 

What is your budget for the project? 

Once homeowners have a clearer understanding of the potential goals that new siding might help them achieve, the next thing to consider is the budget for the project.

If the budget amount is very limited, homeowners may want to get creative in order to keep the costs within an acceptable range. An excellent example is when a homeowner who would like to install insulated vinyl siding opts to install an insulated house wrap along with lower-priced standard vinyl siding to achieve a similar level of efficiency at a lower cost.

Are there HOA rules that must be followed? 

Homeowners must also factor in any rules put in place by their subdivision covenants or HOA before selecting the type and color of siding for their home renovation project. Many areas have strict rules in place to help ensure that the appearance and value of all homes in the community are better protected. 

To learn more about selecting the best siding material for your home and situation, take time to meet with a local siding contractor who offers residential siding installation services. 

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