3 Ways Winter Can Damage Your Flat Roof

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Shingle Me This: A Roof Blog Roofers have a tough job. They work at heights, carrying heavy shingles and nailing them to the roof's surface. In addition to working hard, roofers are also very knowledgeable. They can recommend the best roofing material to fit your budget and preferences, and they can make repairs, as needed, to ensure your roof continues to keep your home safe. There's a lot to learn about roofing. We are not professionals, but we consider ourselves to be well-informed, and we share the information we know on this website. As you read, you will learn more about roofing as a profession, and you may also pick up some roofing tips you can use on your own home.



Flat roofing systems are commonly found on commercial buildings. These roofing systems can be susceptible to serious damage during the winter months if you don't invest in routine maintenance and care.

Learn to identify some of the ways that winter can damage your flat roof so that you can take action to help prevent permanent and costly damage during this cold season.

1. Mold Problems

Mold poses a real threat to the health of your customers and employees. Certain types of mold spores can be toxic, causing serious respiratory distress. A flat roof that has even a small amount of damage can act as a pathway for mold to enter into your commercial space.

The winter months are characterized by temperature fluctuations that can cause water to melt and thaw repeatedly. This thaw cycle widens any cracks in your flat roofing materials and allows water to seep into your commercial building.

Mold thrives in dark, damp, places. A leaking roof can create the perfect environment for mold. Be sure that you monitor your roof for any cracks so that you can invest in repairs before the winter thaw cycle creates a mold problem.

2. Roof Collapse

Another serious problem that you may face during the winter months is a roof collapse. A flat roof can have drainage problems that allow water to pool on the surface of the roofing materials. As this water freezes, it becomes heavy. The added weight of the ice puts undue stress on the structural supports holding your roof in place.

A commercial roof collapse could damage valuable assets and inventory, so you should have your flat roof inspected often for evidence of pooling water. An experienced roofing contractor can address drainage problems and preserve the structural integrity of your roof this winter.

3. Water Damage

Even if melting snow and ice don't cause mold or a roof collapse, you may notice some interior water damage on the ceiling in your commercial space when your flat roof has sustained damage.

Water damage can be costly to repair. You may have to replace drywall, lumber, and other construction materials affected by the water. These replacement costs are in addition to the cost of any repairs needed to prevent water from leaking through your flat roof in the future.

Roofing contractors can use infrared technology to identify areas where moisture is starting to penetrate your roof so that you can repair these problem areas before water damage becomes a serious issue.

To learn more, contact a flat roofing service in your area.

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