Your roof can take a beating from the weather, whether it be strong winds, hail, or simply persistent rain. One environmental phenomenon that you might be concerned with is frost forming on your roof, and you might wonder how that may affect it.
Most Roofs Can Handle Frost
Roofing materials are able to withstand frost to some extent, especially roofing materials that are meant for cold weather. However, if your roof is not in good repair, you might have to worry about water damage. If there are holes in your roof, the frost can melt and this can lead to water intrusion. Therefore, if you're concerned about the condition of your roof, it's a good idea to resolve this before winter.
Frost Can Be a Good Thing
In some cases, frost can be a good thing. If your home is the only one that does not have frost, you might have insulation that is not adequate enough. This can lead to heat leaking and melting the frost. This is especially striking when you have townhomes with one that has frost on it and a section of the townhome that is frost-free. When you don't have adequate insulation, it will cost more money for you to heat your home.
Snow is More of a Threat
Snow is a much more likely culprit for roof damage when it places strain on your roof due to the extra weight. This is especially a problem during a very snowy winter. Your homeowner's insurance policy may pay for a roofer to come and repair the damage done to your roof but only if you took reasonable steps to prevent damage.
Protect Your Roof from Snow
Make sure that your gutters are cleared out before winter arrives. Remove dead branches because the weight of the snow can cause the branch to fall and damage your roof or dump a large quantity of snow on the roof. During a blizzard, you may want to use a snow rake to remove snow from your roof before it gets out of hand.
Your roof can sag when it receives three to four inches of snow. Fortunately, there are professionals who you can call to come and clear the snow off your roof. Doing so will also allow you to avoid accidentally damaging your roof yourself. Also, don't allow ice dams to form because they can cause interior water damage.
To learn more, find a local roofing company and ask the staff any questions you have.